تقرير عن الوضع في تيغراي
قام منتدى المجتمع المدني في القرن الأفريقي بتجميع تقرير شامل عن الفظائع التي ترتكب في منطقة تيغراي...
Statement of the thirtieth of June
I am the people… I am the master who obeys To the generals: take your knee off the neck of our...
The latest revolution
“In the past, Sudan used to be governed by educated individuals, such as prime minister al...
The obituary of the great poet Muhammad Taha Al-Qaddal
“And give good tidings to the patient who, when a calamity befalls them, say we belong to God and...
A Report on the Situation in Tigray
The Horn of African civil Society Forum has compiled a comprehensive report on the atrocities...
Letter to the Sudanese Prime Minister and Chairman of IGAD, Abdalla Hamdok from the Horn of Africa Civil Society Forum
His excellency Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok, Chairperson of the IGAD, CC. Executive...